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  • Plant disease detection

    Facilitates the detection and preventing diseases of agricultural plants by both deep learning and programming services

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The aim of our research is to facilitate the detection and preventing diseases of agricultural plants by both deep learning and programming services. The idea is to develop multifunctional platform that will use modern organization and deep learning technologies to provide new level of service to farmer’s community.

Project support

We are working to expand our image data base and improve our neural networks. We are always happy to volunteer for various issues. For example, collection of images for existing or new diseases and cultures. Checking and correcting descriptions and recommendations for treatment. Search for errors and inaccuracies on the site and in the application. If you have a desire to help us - write to or to the Telegram @DoctorPl


We are ready to cooperate with third-party groups and organizations. We can provide APIs to our models, provide consulting services, train the model on your data, and prepare the environment to run it on your resources. Write to the for details.

Mobile App

Availible at Google Play. Name - DoctorP



Attention! To achieve best result load the file in jpg format with significant part of a plant. It is possible to look at examples of images in image database



We have a special model for diseases without a connection to crops:

Yellow leaves

Causes of yellowing leaves:1. Aging of the aerial part of the plantThis is the most common cause of leaf wilt. The aging of the aerial part begins with the lower leaves. On average, each le

Late blight

Late blight is one of the most common plant diseases. Its particular danger lies in the fact that it affects different types of them and can move from one plant to another.Tomatoes, peppers, eg

Alternaria leaf blight

Альтернариоз (сухая или черная пятнистость) – одно из наиболее распространенных грибковых заболеваний. В Р


Антракноз - это грибковое поражение растений, возбудителем которого являются грибы рода Colletotrichum. Наиболее

Bacterial spot

Бактериальная пятнистость вызывает грибы или бактерии, возникающие в результате разрушения листовых плас

Black chaff

The causative agent of the disease is the gram-negative aerobic bacillus Xanthomonas campestris pv. translucens. This disease is also known under the names: black film, striped bacteriosis.Blac

Black rot

A fungal disease that is easily spread by spores with wind, rain, and undisinfected garden tools. The damage caused by black rot can be very great. It is capable of completely destroying landings.

Botrytis cinerea

Gray rot is a fungal disease that affects thousands of plants worldwide. Spores of the fungus Botrytis gray settle and multiply on leaves, stems, flowers, fruits. A variety of this infection that a


Plant cancer is a disease of cultivated and wild plants, caused mainly by fungi and bacteria, characterized by excessive, abnormal growth of trunks, branches, roots, less often other organs, leadin

Cyclamen mite

The degree of damage to the wrinkled mosaic depends on the type of crop. For example, more modern varieties are less susceptible to pathology. Although it cannot be completely ruled out. The causat

Downy mildew

Downy mildew (peronosporosis) is caused by microscopic peronosporous fungi. They parasitize only on living tissues and infect leaves, shoots, buds, flowers. Downy mildew has a high infection rate.


It is characterized by rotting of internal tissues. Affected tissues are soaked, turn brown, become rotten; the bark is cracking.Caused by tinder fungi Stereum hirsutum (Sterum necator), Stereu


Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (Fron) Deighton. (= Cercosporella herpotrichoides). You can detect signs of infection in late autumn or early spring on the coleoptile, and at a later time on th

Grey mold

Gray rot is a fungal disease that affects thousands of plants worldwide. Spores of the fungus Botrytis gray settle and multiply on leaves, stems, flowers, fruits. A variety of this infection that a


Your plant looks healthy! If you are not sure, you can send us some images in telegram  

Leaves scorch

Brown spotting (cladosporiosis) is one of the varieties of an extensive group of spots. The disease is caused by microscopic pathogenic fungi. Brown spotting appears gradually, starting from April-

Loss of foliage turgor

Tissue turgor is the stressed state of the membranes of living cells. Turgor pressure - internal pressure that develops in a plant cell when water enters it as a result of osmosis, and the cytoplas


Mealybug (Pseudococcidae) belongs to the Hemiptera family. This family includes several thousand species; about 330 species are distributed in Europe. Mealybugs are also called "false-cushioners",


Moniliosis (fruit rot, monilial burn) is a fungal disease of stone fruit crops. In our country, it is distributed in the Middle lane, northwestern and southern regions, in the Urals, Altai, and Sib

Northern leaf blight

Brown spot, or helminthosporiasis, is a disease that develops intensively mainly in the second half of the corn growing season, starting from the leaves of the lower tier. First, small elliptical l

Nutrient deficiency

Use special sites to identify which element is the problem and what to do.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects leaves and young shoots, flower stalks, and later berries, if not dealt with. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Erysiphe communis Grev


Rust is a fungal disease of cultivated and wild plants. Billions of spores create many foci of infection on leaves, shoots, branches, trunks, and needles. The disease is easily recognizable by char


Scab is a dangerous infectious plant disease caused by microscopic pathogenic fungi, actinomycetes and bacteria. It affects and deforms the surface of leaves, shoots, tubers and fruits, which great


Shchitovka - a small insect 1.5 - 4 mm long with a dense brown body, tightly adjacent to the leaves and other parts of the plant; secrete a sticky liquid - a pad on which a sooty fungus settles. It

Spider mite

The spider mite is distributed everywhere, with the exception of Antarctica. It affects crops, both in open and protected ground.This is a small arthropod sucking insect no larger than 1 mm in

Verticillium wilt

Verticillium wilt (wilt) is a common fungal disease of plants in greenhouses and outdoors. In an acute outbreak, it destroys plants in a few days. The chronic form is common, it develops slowly - t


Schutte is a group of fungal diseases provoked by marsupials or ascomycetes. The name comes from the German verb "schütten", which means "pour" in Russian, because dying and crumbling needles are

Leaf spot

Ramularia grevilleana (sexual: Mycosphaerella fragariae), a fungus that overwinters on old infected leaves and as sclerotia. Conidia are produced abundantly in lesions on infected leaves. Sclerotia

Ascochyta blight

The causative agents of ascochyta: mushrooms belonging to the genus Ascochyta. Ascochitosis is a dangerous disease that affects pumpkin, melons, watermelon, peas, beans, beets, cucumbers, currants,


The Whitefly family is a group of small, butterfly-like, proboscis insects from the Homoptera order, sometimes separated into the monotypic suborder Aleurodoidea. At the beginning of infec

Blossom end rot

Blossom end rot is a common physiological disorder in nightshade crops. The disease is not an infection. Appears on plants, both in greenhouses and garden beds.The main symptom of the disease i

Shot hole

Hole spotting (Clasterosporium carpophilum) is a very common disease of apricots, cherries, plums and other stone fruits. Klyasterosporiosis is widespread on stone fruit crops everywhere.

Cherry leaf spot

Coccomycosis (reddish-brown spotting) is one of the “youngest” fungal diseases of stone fruits. Massively spread about 50 years ago. Symptoms of the disease are the appearance of numerous red-b

Leaf curl

Leaf curl is a disease caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans. The infection manifests itself in the form of damage to leaves, shoots and fruits.Leaf tissues thicken, grow unevenly, often rema

Marginal leaf necrosis

Necrosis - (Greek nekrosis - necrosis, from nekros - dead), necrosis in a living organism of individual organs, their parts, tissues or cells. Necrosis begins at the tip or margin of the l

Mosaic virus

Mosaic is one of the most harmful diseases caused by viruses that infect plants through mechanical damage, soil and seeds. It is not easy to identify which virus the plant is infected with, however

Corn downy mildew

The causative agents of sclerosporosis are omycetes of the genus Sclerospora: S. maydis, S. graminicola, S. philippinensis and others. The disease develops in the tillering phase on all green parts


Oedema is an infectious disease. It appears due to excessive watering, a stuffy room where plants are grown. Most often, seedlings that grow mainly under artificial lighting get sick. This


Lichen is a plaque on the bark, which is formed by algae and fungi. It develops mainly in places with high humidity. The fungus affects mainly those trees whose bark is damaged: there are burns, fr

Our team


Gennadiy Ososkov

Chief Researcher


Pavel goncharov

Research Scientist


Alexander Uzhinskiy

Lead programmer


Andrey Nechaevskiy

Lead programmer


Artem Smetanin

Research Scientist



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* Uzhinskiy A., Ososkov G., Goncharov P., Nechaevskiy A., Smetanin A., Oneshot learning with triplet loss for vegetation classification tasks. Computer Optics 2021; 45(4): 608-614. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-856.
* A. Uzhinskiy, G. Ososkov, P. Goncharov, A. Nechaevskiy, Multifunctional platform and mobile application for plant disease detection // Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2507, p. 110-114, 2019
* Pavel Goncharov, Alexander Uzhinskiy, Gennady Ososkov, Andrey Nechaevskiy and Julia Zudikhina. Deep Siamese Networks for Plant Disease Detection // EPJ Web of Conferences. — EDP Sciences, 2020. — Vol. 226. — P. 03010.